Age of empires 2 definitive edition mods
Age of empires 2 definitive edition mods

age of empires 2 definitive edition mods

“Eternal Civilization” has an dedicated AI, which is basically the same as the default AI in the game, but can produce new units of this MOD and research new technologies. “Eternal Civilization” makes large-scale adjustments of balance, but it may not more balanced than the official version, which requires extensive testing and feedback.


For example, the Fortified Wall will upgrade the palisade walls into fortified palisade walls, and increase the hit point of the palisade gate, sea gate and sea wall.

age of empires 2 definitive edition mods

In addition, some of the original technologies are also be modified. In the Wonder, there are four technologies that can completely change the pattern of later game, only one of them can be chosen. Stone Circulation can let stone mine last longer.

age of empires 2 definitive edition mods

For example, Boiling Oil allows Castles, Kreposts and Donjons gain a boiling oil attack against nearby enemies, Armed Outpost make outposts can attack and no longer cost stone. “Eternal Civilization” adds some techs for all civilizations. Such as HMS Battleship(BRITONS), Flying Crow(Chinese), Great Bombard(TURKS) and DaVinci Tank(ITALIANS).Īt the same time, the Mod also adds some general units and buildings, such as the new stable unit chariot-line, new dock unit engineering ship, new building sea wall, sea gate and sea tower. Some of them are limited quantity units, which are much more powerful than ordinary units that can only be created after Imperial Age or some certain technologies is researched. These units have their own unique attributes or abilities and will play an important role in the game. “Eternal Civilization” adds 1-6 new units for each civilization. All of the above are to enhance the fun of the game for players! More general units and general technologies have also been added, and some of the original units and technologies of the game have been adjusted. More than 80 new units have been added into this MOD, thus each civilization will get at least 1 kind of new unique unit. “Eternal Civilization” is an unofficial expansion pack of “Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition”. Human:Arnor(Frank),Gondor(Teuton),Numenor(Byzantine),Harad(Persian),Angmar(Sarasen),Umbar(Viking),Rohan(Mongol),Rhovanion(Spain),Rhun(Hun),Wainrider(Korean),Dunedain(Italy),VariagsofKhand(Magyar),Dol Amroth(Slav),Bree-Shire Union(Portuguese)ĭarkness:MistyMountainOrc(Celt),Isengard(Aztec),DolGuldur(Mayan),Gundabad(India),Mordor(Inca),Minas Morgul(Malian),Angband(Khmer)ĭarkness Power has weak and cheap Goblin and Orc Units,common Orc or Goblin only cost 0.5 population,their cavarliers are wargs and warg riders,can not cause blast attack,but have extra damage to Horse cavalry and receive less damage from pikeman.They also have Trolls,the giant war beasts.-『Introduction』. Elven armies are more expensive than common human.ĭwarves:Erebor(Goth),Moria(Ethopian),Iron Hill(Maley)ĭwarves are the best Infantry of Middle Earth,they,have heavy armor and good weapons,but they have no archers and cavalry.So they need summon archers and cavalry from human and elves. U can summon powerful HERO in the wonder.Hero can be summon only onceĮlves:Lorien(Briton),RivenDell(Japanese),MirkWood(Chinese),Lindon(Berber),Erigion(Burmese),Noldor Elf(Vietnamese)Įlves are good archers and strong warrior,they have better bow,better armor and blades,and no skirmishers,so they need more golds for their armies. Giant beasts(troll ,barlog ,mumakil)attacks not 100% derectly,but cause heavy blast attack Language only support English and Chinse.Ĭavalry (except wargs and wargridders)may cause blast attack,but more expensive and cost1.5Population

Age of empires 2 definitive edition mods