Valheim trader
Valheim trader

If there is only one user your steam id is the 8 digit number folder fwl (ctrl click on windows) with your world's name.

valheim trader

For windows users click "Choose File" and then paste this into the file name "%appdata%\.\locallow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds" (NO Quotes!) Then just select the. If you're using a dedicated server you'll have to download this file using the steps from your host. db file OR just drop the files directly onto this page. To get started just click "Choose File" and select your.


If your world was made before this Mistlands update came out uploading your world file is the only way to get 100% accuracy.

valheim trader

The game reshuffled your locations so they can't be totally predicted without it. If you made your world any time before the Hildir Request update then you must use this method to get 100% accuracy.

  • My world is older than this Hildir Request update () Read the locations from your world file.
  • I don't know or aren't sure about my world seed and my world was created on/after the Hildir Request update If you don't want to find your seed you can upload a tiny FWL file from your world to extract the seed automatically! To upload your fwl go here.
  • Just close this menu and type in your seed where it says 'seed'.
  • I know my world seed and my world was created on/after this Hildir Request update Your seed is listed underneath the name of your world in Valheim.

  • Valheim trader